title AND see
: this is almost identical
to our analysis from problem 3.
That’s once everything is in memory. On disk? That depends how it’s stored. If each id list is stored sequentially, then we just have a random access and then a sequential read about 2 million ids.
So we could say ~1ms to read off disk.
With this approach, title OR see
the performance
is identical. The difference is that instead of adding
an element into a hash map and then only including it
in the output if it’s already there, we just add
every element to the hash map to deduplicate.
From benchmark:
AndHighHigh: +title +see # freq=2077102 freq=1100862
Not totally sure where the actual benchmark is, but this might be it: If so, it looks like it’s about 10 ms, which is close to the 2.5 ms (but that was only the sequential scan, not the hash lookup).
Also, that benchmark file from the post might be
running 5 different AND
s, which would imply 2 ms
for title AND see
From ref:
I noticed that in the post’s image the list of product ideas were sorted…
In problem 3 I mentioned sorting as a potential algorithm to look for intersections in an inverted index.
I noted that it might be faster than a hash table, but probably slower than a bloom filter. What I did not consider was that the list might be stored sorted. That would save an enormous amount of time.
This lead me to study how inverted indexes store the attributes and ids. Here’s a brief overview of what I found:
So given that the ids are sorted, how much faster can we find the intersection?
Now the algorithm would look like this:
intersection = []
title, see = 0, 0
while title < len(title_ids) and see < len(see_ids):
if title_ids[title] == see_ids[see]:
title += 1
see += 1
elif title_ids[title] < see_ids[see]:
title += 1
see += 1
Now the total time is a sequential scan of the 3 million uint64s:
That’s much closer to the 10 ms (or 2 ms) we got from the nightly benchmark.
Once again, (b) is essentially the same as (a).
The difference is that we add each element of
and see
to the output, but use the condition
when they are equal to deduplicate:
output = []
title, see = 0, 0
while title < len(title_ids) and see < len(see_ids):
if title_ids[title] == see_ids[see]:
title += 1
see += 1
elif title_ids[title] < see_ids[see]:
title += 1
see += 1
One rule of thumb to keep in mind:
Nice idea from the solution. We are very likely to send much more data than the intersection, so we might want to think about network speeds:
Likely opportunities to paginate the results, so we would only have to send the first few matches, significantly reducing the amount of data sent.
One idea to think about is that is how documents are inserted into the inverse index. Remember each document is given a unique id greater than all other documents. And if you insert documents in order of modified, it’s likely that the actual products are sorted, or almost sorted.
For algorithms like merge sort, that can greatly speed up sorting from the 1 MB / 5 ms reference.
For example, say we are have the following inverted index:
"apple" -> [doc1, doc5, doc8]
Then the doc value could map the doc ids to a modified date:
doc1 -> "2024-02-12", doc2 -> "2024-02-11"
Either that modified date is correlated with the doc id as we discussed above (so it’s almost sorted)