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Problem 2


Problem #2: Your SSD-backed database has a usage-pattern that rewards you with a 80% page-cache hit-rate (i.e. 80% of disk reads are served directly out of memory instead of going to the SSD). The median is 50 distinct disk pages for a query to gather its query results (e.g. InnoDB pages in MySQL). What is the expected average query time from your database?


Sequential SSD read:

Page scan time:


note: this seems too slow. Small difference between cached and disk pages

Reference sheet says 0.5 ns / 64 bytes. Let’s try something closer.

Page scan time:


These results look more reasonable: the cost for accessing disk is much larger, matching my expectations.

The reference sheet also mentions MySQL query as 500 us, but unsure if that’s relevant here. That would completely overshadow the cost of accessing disk, which does not seem right.



Key idea I did not realize: each page access in the SSD is random: we aren’t sequentially reading the 10 pages.

So random SSD read of 8KB is 100 us. That’s only half a page, but the sequential SSD read is 1 us per 8 KB, so 101 us ~ 100 us. for napkin math

This makes way more sense: now the query time is totally dominated by the disk I/O as expected (since we correctly identified that all the page reads will be about 12 us, which is 1% of the total).

Curious how to reason about MySQL overhead: the reference sheet cryptically mentions “500 us” for a query, but is that per page? That would the time at 25 ms, which would dominate the disk I/O which does not seem right.